11QE4 - Energy Detectros
11QE4 - Energy Detectros
STANDA has packaged its latest energy detection technology into a BNC connector! Tiny and robust, it is ideal for the most confining and tough OEM applications. Apply your laser in a single pulse or at high repetition rates. Their small size and low thermal mass absorbers make these some of the fastest and most sensitive energy detectors in the STANDA family. We offer two versions so that you can get the best performance for your application. The 11QE4-BL is for small aperture applications that need a high repetition rate. The 11QE4-MT is for applications with low energy that require the highest repetition rate. You can easily run the signal into an oscilloscope or your data acquisition system. Getting the signal out is as easy as connecting a BNC cable.
  • Probis-Scientific

    Tel. 507 356 261
